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Seaside Equity Associates Inc
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Seaside Equity offers government receivable factoring, accounts receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing, factoring accounts receivable,
Address303 Gerrard Ave Seaside Park, NJ 08752-2032
Phone(732) 830-1657
Seaside Equity Associates, Inc.
Seaside Equity Associates, Inc. provides working capital to businesses primarily through Factoring Accounts Receivable, sometimes referred to as Accounts Receivable Financing. Our Factoring Accounts Receivable services include government receivable factoring, accounts receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring. One of our hallmarks is the genuine desire to expeditiously help small, medium and larger businesses resolve financial situations using one of the simplest and safest financing tools available that virtually guarantees access to unlimited amounts of capital. Technically there is a difference between accounts receivable factoring and accounts receivable financing, the latter usually being done by traditional institutions and/or 'Asset Based Lenders'. Common day usage of both these terms has however just about rendered them interchangeable within the business community nationwide. Generally, Accounts Receivable is by far the largest asset on a company's balance sheet, yet those dollars are often unavailable for frighteningly long periods of time. Our mission is to promote awareness throughout the business community that accounts receivable are assets that can be converted into cash in a matter of hours using government receivable factoring, accounts receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing, factoring accounts receivable, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring or medical factoring.
What is Accounts Receivable Factoring?

What is Accounts Receivable Factoring? Back to Top When a company does business with another company (or any legal entity) it results in an invoice being generated for a payment due for goods and/or services provided to the customer company. The invoices become known as Accounts Receivable and frequently comprise a substantial percentage of a company's assets. Even the best 'debtor' company usually will allow the invoice to "age" 30, 45, or 60 days, and sometimes longer before remitting the payment due. That time delay constitutes credit terms to a customer at the expense of the provider of the goods or services. Waiting that long for the payments of outstanding Accounts Receivable often puts a strain (cash flow crunch) on a company that needs to meet payroll, pay vendors, and meet various other expenses. Without sufficient cash on hand to replenish raw materials and or inventory, many companies cannot grow as rapidly as they could. Often times they have to "pass" or refuse taking new or additional orders because they cannot 'deliver' without those replacement items.

Accounts Receivable Factoring (also Accounts Receivable Financing) simply put is the sale and purchase of a company's invoice converting it into cash usually in less than 48 hours. Accounts Receivable Factoring includes government receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing, factoring accounts receivable, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring.

Some factors have established geographic limitations however we offer accounts receivable financing anywhere in the United States and Canada too. Other international opportunities will be evaluated on an individual basis.
To find out whether accounts receivable financing, medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring or medical factoring will work for your company, call us at (732) 830-1657.

What if we do business with Governments and their Agencies? Back to Top Government Receivable Factoring is available to companies doing business with local (municipal), county, state, and federal governments and their agencies. Boards of Education, Vocational Schools, Technical Schools, Colleges and Universities also fall under the heading of Government Receivable Factoring although some may be privately operated. Some funding sources have indicated their statistics show, at times, that the amount of invoices submitted to them for government receivable factoring often is greater than the total value of invoices from all other clients in corporate America. Usually a contract with a 'government agency' will contain special clauses i.e. progress payments, retainage, etc. A typical 'government receivable factoring agreement' provides for these unique requirements so that invoice factoring (funding) can be accomplished in a timely and satisfactory manner. Government receivable factoring is available, as well as accounts receivable financing; factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring.

We are 'Health care' providers. Is Factoring Accounts Receivable available to us? Back to Top
The Health Care Industry is made up of a myriad of professions and encompasses literally hundreds, if not thousands, of mostly unique providers of services who often seek medical accounts receivable financing. Usually the providers of medical services will receive payment from more than one source. For example; the recipient of the services will make a partial payment and a third party, such as a health insurance company, will frequently make another partial payment when the provider submits a claim for whatever services were rendered. This process is far more complex than it sounds and most often causes the medical provider to expend a great deal of time, energy, and money doing the "paperwork" not to mention the work required in the follow up activities related to the collection of funds. Many health care providers can improve their cash flow from these third party payors of claims through the use of Medical Accounts Receivable Financing professionals. Most, but not all, of the traditional medical provisioners can avail themselves of this financial tool. In part, and due to the logistics relating to some facets of the medical professions not all categories within the industry qualify for accounts receivable financing of an invoice. Accordingly and regrettably, at this time, we cannot include dental providers as potential recipients for medical factoring and it is most probable that accounts receivable financing, in any form, will not be available to them in the foreseeable future. While it is somewhat difficult to qualify a provider in the category of Chiropractic services for factoring accounts receivable it can and is being done by a select few accounts receivable factoring sources that specialize in that category almost to the exclusion of all other industries. It should be noted however that the cash flow industry relating to the health care industry is evolving continuously and new opportunities to provide invoice factoring to those presently excluded professions may very well be initiated (perhaps even under the 'guise' of government receivable factoring). Despite these few exclusions, the wide range of medical services that qualify for third party claim payments do get approved for medical accounts receivable financing. Our services also include government receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing; factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring, for many industries.

A few funding sources also extend equipment lease financing opportunities to the medical professions. Also, Medical Billing and Collections Services are provided by some medical factoring sources, if that is of interest to any potential client. Some health care providers believe it is less expensive and far more efficient to 'outsource' that activity as opposed to using 'in house' or temporary staff to accomplish those tasks. Medical factoring may be available for your health care company. To learn whether accounts receivable financing, medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring or medical factoring will work for health care company, call us at (732) 830-1657.

We're in the transportation industry. Can we get Accounts Receivable Financing? Back to Top Accounts Receivable Factoring in the transportation industry is and will continue to be an important segment of the cash flow industry across the continent (including Canada and Mexico). As in many other industries there are literally hundreds of specialized categories that qualify for invoice factoring. There is really no known accurate count of the number of air, land, and sea 'carriers', for lack of a better descriptive label, that have experienced remarkable growth of their business by using accounts receivable factoring to accelerate their cash flow (but it most probably is a majority of them). Indeed the trucking industry (and it's related businesses) rely heavily on funding from the sale of their accounts receivable to continue doing business. The 'payment for services' is a relatively short cycle, particularly in the trucking industry, and when a clients customer takes six to ten weeks to remit payments it then becomes essential to have cash readily on hand to pay truckers and meeting other expenses. Most trucking companies require payment in full within a few weeks. Despite the wide variety of categories in the transportation industry most, but not all, can utilize Accounts Receivable Factoring as an alternative to traditional financing. Carriers have often benefited greatly by virtue of being able to "book" new business, convert the debt into cash (via invoice factoring) and thus realize a significant growth of their 'bottom line'. Accounts receivable financing for the transportation industry may be available to you and your company. Additional services include medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing; factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring for a variety of industries.

Can the Construction Industry use Accounts Receivable Factoring? Back to Top
Generally yes, but an all-inclusive answer cannot be given due to the very nature of the industry. Most often a sub-contractor working for a financially sound and reputable General Contractor (referred to as the 'GC') will qualify for factoring accounts receivable. This industry is very unique and there are major differences in the way the construction business gets done. This requires any funding source engaged in accounts receivable financing to consider and evaluate those variations. An in depth familiarity with the industry is an essential component for any factor who provides construction accounts receivable financing. Approval, of the work completed, by virtue of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) approval signoff usually is the authority recognized by a factor to proceed with the purchase of a construction invoice. It's not unusual for the 'GC' to win a contract that provides for progress payments when a percentage of the job has been satisfactorily completed. Simply put, at a point (or beyond) when the specified percentage of the entire job has been satisfactorily performed a progress payment is due and the resulting invoice becomes eligible for accounts receivable factoring. Sub-contractors working for a GC frequently must wait until the GC has received a progress payment in order to receive payment for the work they did. Cash on hand (from factoring accounts receivable weeks earlier) has enabled a great many of them to 'stay afloat' so to speak. Accounts receivable financing for the construction industry may be available to you. We also offer medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing; factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring to cover a wide variety of industries.
How will a Manufacturing firm qualify for Accounts Receivable Financing? Back to Top Manufacturers producing the widest variety of products (candy, gears, carpets, pots, flags, widgets, etc…) have been included among the few who have used accounts receivable financing for decades. Although the use of invoice factoring is hundreds of years old it remains one of the least and little known methods of obtaining working capital. When a manufacturer fills a $100,000.00 widget order for customer number one and delivers them it is quite probable they won't get paid for a month. Should another order from customer number two come in for a like amount more raw materials will be needed to produce the second order. Without the funds to pay for them it's unlikely the order can be accepted. Invoice factoring of customer number one's account would provide the necessary funds to double the gross amount of business. Since fixed expenses usually do not change (only the variable ones do, i.e. some labor, raw materials and some utilities) a situation is created whereby the gross profit enjoys a favorable and significant growth. The increased percentage of profit may even reach double digits although all businesses are unique and everyone cannot be assured of similar results. Accounts receivable financing for the manufacturing industry may be available to your company. To learn whether accounts receivable financing, medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring or medical factoring will work for your company, call us at (732) 830-1657.

What businesses are not eligible for Accounts Receivable Factoring? Back to Top As mentioned previously almost any 'B2B' (business to business) being done is a likely candidate for accounts receivable financing. Retails merchants do not qualify for factoring accounts receivable but they do have something similar in the form of consumer debt funding, available to them generally referred to as 'plastic' or credit cards. The retailer presents a bill for merchandise, food, clothing, etc… and then electronically processes a claim for the payment due from a funding source that has previously approved the consumer for a specified amount. The consumer authorizes payment by signing the invoice for whatever goods or services that were provided. The merchant gets paid quickly and the consumer pays the funding source in accordance with the terms agreed to previously. That scenario constitutes what has been 'dubbed' "Consumer Debt".

Example: When a landscaper cuts and trims the lawn on a residential property and submits an invoice for those services to the homeowner, that clearly is a form of 'consumer debt' and could be paid for by using a credit card or any other acceptable means.

We can provide information about accounts receivable financing for your company, as well as medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing; factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring for any industry.

To learn whether accounts receivable financing, medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring or medical factoring will work for your company, call us at (732) 830-1657.

If you can't make money or save some money then factoring accounts receivable may not be the right financing tool for you --- and we'll tell you that! The benefits attributed to factoring accounts receivable are many. Too numerous for us to mention all of them but we will post several herein;

What does it cost? Practically nothing when you consider how much is lost having to wait 45, 60, or 90 days to get paid for goods or services, which were already provided. That money could be working to produce additional revenues. Also keep in mind the overhead costs (labor and expenses) related to credit administration, invoice mailing, debt collection, logging of payments, check deposits along with other in house support for Accounts Receivable Departments. Freeing up these employees for other tasks (or even reducing staff) can be a significant saving. Taking discounts offered to you by your vendors can often cover the small fees. Having cash available presents countless ways to benefit any business, especially young and growing, even new and start up, companies. Accounts receivable financing for your industry may be available, including medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, accounts receivable financing; factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring and medical factoring.

To learn whether accounts receivable financing, medical accounts receivable financing, government receivable factoring, factoring accounts receivable, accounts receivable factoring, medical accounts receivable financing, invoice factoring or medical factoring will work for your company, call us today at (732) 830-1657.


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