to the New Mom Coach website! This is the place for all you moms out there, new and "seasoned" to continue being or get back to being the woman you were, the woman you want to be today - regardless of family and marriage. This is also a supportive place for the expectant mom too!
As mothers we focus on raising our children. and we forget to care for ourselves.
Even marriage can morph us into roles of mother and wife that are powerful enough to negate the essence of who we are as individuals. Not always, but this happens more often than not.
I know. because I personally experienced these same issues..
Here's the GREAT news! With a little commitment to self-discovery you can re-discover yourself, reawaken your inner dreams! Be the woman you want to be now. It doesn't happen over night. It's a process. If you are expecting a baby, you can prepare for momhood while continuing to celebrate who you are now as a person.
This website is a resource for you. A place for inspiration, motivation, and learning. A place to get the "motor" going in your brain to make your life what YOU want it to be. Also, it's to assist you in finding your way back to you. Besides, you never get "lost" in being you, just sidetracked.
Seek and be rewarded with an incredible sense of self that will take you any where you want to go in your life - even as an expectant or new mom!
We invite you to enjoy a unique massage and spa experience in the comfort and privacy of your home, office, hotel or corporate venue in NJ or you can drop by to our office.
134 Evergreen Pl, Suite #710 East Orange, NJ 07018