Welcome to our web site. We hope that we will answer some questions concerning upholstering furniture.
TIP OF THE DAY: When buying new furniture (sofa, chair, etc.) order extra yard of fabric to hold on to. The fabric can be used for making custom arm covers or recovering a worn or soiled cushion panel. Always insist on knowing the content of the fabric and what type of cleaner should be used "water-based" or "pure solvents".
QUESTION: why does the furniture upholstery look great; but it is flat or uncomfortable?
ANSWER: The life of the foam is dead! Seat cushions must have density and compression to be comfortable to sit on. Often the foam is loaded (foam mixed with other ingredients) this creates 'air cells' which expand in time. Pure foam is not mixed and,consequently,does not have cells which increase over time. Pure foam retains its density and compression which provides seating comfort year after year, after year.
A simple solution is to replace the seat cushion foam with "pure" foam. The cost is reasonable and the results can be very rewarding. You are also going "Green" in helping the environment by not throwing out furniture.
Visit us or call 609 587-0540 for expert advice or to set up a consultation.
Furniture Cushions: Medium Firm Quality or Firm Quality
Back Cushions: Soft Angel or Soft Poly