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Bunker Hill Presbyterian Church
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Driving Instructions: (Note: Our address says "Sewell NJ" because our Post Office is in Sewell.
Address330 Greentree Rd Sewell, NJ 08080-1866
Phone(856) 589-7863
Women's Club Christmas Tour, Monday Dec. 6

Our Philosophy & Mission
No MSS here (Mission Statement Silliness)

A place of learning for singles and couples

Your Family, and the Family of God

Missions & Ministries
Within the church, locally and globally

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Facts and figures: Some "carved in stone".

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The Bunker Hill Philosophy Of Ministry
We believe the purpose for the existence of Bunker Hill Presbyterian Church is to lead people into a life changing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and to equip the members of Christ's Body worshiping here to live as faithful and obedient witnesses to Jesus Christ in this world.
It's a four step process. Come let us TELL you about it.

- to turn spectators into seekers of God's love and salvation

- to turn seekers into believers accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

- to turn believers into committed followers through Bible study, prayer, and worship

- to turn committed followers into kingdom builders by the power of the Holy Spirit

What We Believe About Membership

We're not interested in signing up new members but rather in making disciples. (Matthew 28:19)
We don't want more members, we want more believers.
Is is alright to be a regular attendee.
Membership is a step in the process of discipleship, not the goal.
Ministry gives meaning to membership.
At Bunker Hill Presbyterian Church the pew potato is an endangered species.

The Bible is our authority. (II Timothy 3:16)
God loves the lost. (Luke 15)
It is my job to reach out. (Matthew 28:18-20; Philippians 2:5-7; Romans 10:14-15)
We are committed to training people in Christian discipleship. (I Cor. 9:24-27; Ephesians 2:19-22; Colossians 1:28-29)
Fellowship is a sacred endeavor.(Hebrews 10:2; Acts 2:42; I Cor. 1:9; Cor. 8:4; Galatians 2:9)
Prayer is the foundation of all we do.(Colossians 1:9; James 5:16; Philemon 1:4; Romans 1:9, I Thes. 5:17)
God alone is Lord of the conscience. (Ephesians 4:15; I Cor. 4:1-5; Philippians 3:15)
Excellence honors God. (II Timothy 3:17; Philippians 2:1-4; 4:8-9)
We won't limit God. (Luke 1:37; Matthew 3:9; 19:26; Luke 28:2)
God has a great purpose in store for us. (Philippians 3:14; Ephesians 1:11; 3:11)

Church is intimate in size and in a good location (See membership and local area statistics.).
Decisive leadership and committed people.
Theology is a must. Teaching is biblically based, and focused on providing a solid christian education.
Pastor is an outstanding speaker, teacher and preacher.
People are made to feel welcome, cared for, and supported.

Worship services are each Sunday morning at 8:30 am & 11:00. Children's church is offered during 11:00 sermon for children 3 years old thru Kindergarten & 1st - 2nd grades. We try to make each of our weekly services a little special or different.
NOTE: Summer schedule from mid-June until Labor Day - Sunday Worship service is at 10:00 am (one service only).

Please call the church to check the times listed below.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services (Two evening services)
Ash Wednesday Service (7:30 pm)
Lenten Evening Services (7:30 pm)
Maundy Thursday Service (7:30 pm)
Good Friday Silent Prayer Service (7:30 pm)

Our Pastor - Reverend Daniel J. Weitner
Bunker Hill Presbyterian Church is blessed and pleased to have Reverend Daniel J. Weitner as our pastor. Dan is a skilled preacher and teacher who is passionate about presenting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in terms that are both intelligent and simply understood.
Dan accepted the call to BHPC in the summer of 2003. He and his family moved into the new Manse (residence in Washington Twp.) in August 2003. Dan and his wife Lynne have three children - Kyrsten, Shana, and Dan. Dan enjoys music and counseling. He is also an accomplished writer who has authored three books and a number of hymns. Here is his newest published book.
Dan is a graduate of Grove City College, Grove City, PA with a BA in English Liturature. He received his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. A lifelong Jerseyan, Dan was born in Orange and raised in Clifton, NJ. He comes to BHPC after twenty-two years as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, North Arlington, NJ. where he was active in the Presbytary of Newark.

Who We Are At Bunker Hill Church

K eeping faith while keeping up with the times
L aughter always encourage

R eaching out and encouraging children

Here's How To Reach Us
"Stop by and just give us a try!"
Bunker Hill Presbyterian Church
330 Greentree Road, Sewell, NJ 08080
Call (856)589-7863 or (856)582-4290

Driving Instructions: (Note: Our address says "Sewell NJ" because our Post Office is in Sewell. We're actually in Turnersville NJ, within Washington Township.) If you know the area, our church is on the same square as the ACME and Washington Township High School. If your coming up or down Black Horse Pike (Route 42) turn off at Greentree road and come down about 1.5 miles. The church is on the left, after you past the traffic light with the WAWA (on your right).
Here's a map and additional directions below if needed.

Exit Highway 55 at exit 56A onto Rt. 47 south.
Follow 47 south through 1st traffic light onto Egg Harbor Road
Continue onto Egg Harbor road for 6 more lights.
6th light is Greentree Road. Make a right on to Greentree Road
Bunker Hill Church is a few hundred yards on the left.

South on Route 42 past exit for Atlantic City Expressway.
Continue South on Rt. 42 (now the Blackhorse Pike) to the second traffic light, Greentree Road.
Right on Greentree Road for approximately 1.5 miles (If you reach the 4-way stop sign Hurffville-Cross Keys Road, you have passed the church.)
When you reach the traffic light at Egg Harbor Road (you will see a WaWa, a gas station and two banks at this large interaction), continue through this intersection

North on Atlantic City Expressway to exit 44, Rt. 168 Blackhorse Pike.
Follow signs to light at 168, Blackhorse Pike
Make a left at intersection onto the Pike
Continue straight onto the pike to the second traffic light, Greentree Road

When you reach the traffic light at Egg Harbor Road (you will see a WaWa, a gas station and two banks at this large interaction), continue straight through the intersection

Activities For Adults (Single and Married)

Women's Study Group
Adult Choir (If you've still got it!)

Prayer Group & Prayer Chain (With e-mail notifications. For busy people it really helps!)
New Members / Inquirers Class (Offered 2-3 times a year)
Church Committees (Share your skills, time...and grow as a person)

All our study groups are Bible based . They meet at various times during the week (during the day and evenings).

Activities For Children (Babies through Young Adults)

Nursery (Offered during all church events)
Confirmation Classes (Offered every 2 years for 8th & 9th graders)
Children's Choir (Sunday 9:30-10 AM)

Our Peach Festival (A Washington Township tradition for decades.)

Live Nativity Scene - December "Christmas Event" (Another Washington Township tradition.)
Christmas Candlelight Services

Baseball Games (Triple A that's the keep the total costs down and get great seats.)
Family Swim and Skating parties
Plus, numerous Fellowship Events throughout the year

On-line resources for local families

Church Service Ministries and Supported Missions
"Do not neglect the gift that is in you" (I Timothy 4:14)

Usher Teams for Sunday Services
Landscaping and Building Maintenance Coordinators
Sunday School Teachers
Choir, Drama, and Youth Group Coordinators
Lay Pastor, Worship Leader & Lector Positions
Special Music Opportunities (Where talented members sing or play music, alone or in a group)

Missions Supported By Bunker Hill Church

Habitat For Humanity
Woodland Avenue Education & Music Team (Camden)
A mission family working overseas (Translating the Bible in different languages)
American Red Cross Blood Drive

Here's Where To Find All The Answers.
The Bible is on line! You can now easily find ANY passage, from ANY version of the Bible, in ANY language. Search for the "future". "hope", "truth"...
Try the Bible Gateway

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

For the evil man has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.

Presbyterian and other Christian Resources on the Web

The Presbyterian Church and Presbyterian's Today (The denomination's magazine on-line.)
To Volunteer in Urban Ministries
Online Safety & Pornography Addiction Recovery Resources
Local Christian Talk Radio Station WFIL Philadelphia
Christian Research Institute The "Bible Answer Man"
Promise Keepers Men's Group
Our Daily Bread Daily Devotions.
The Gospel Communications Network
The American Family Association (AFA)
Love Worth Finding A radio and TV ministry (Dr. Adrian Rogers)
Christian Message Boards Ask questions and gather information.
Christian Ethereal Library Classic Christian Books in electronic format
Christian News Christian Word Ministries views on current news
One of many Christian Book Distributors
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Reaching Us Via Email
If you have a question, just click below to send an email to:
One of our friendly Elders
The Web Site and Newsletter Editor
Or, just sign our Guest Book before you move on.


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