Get rid of chronic pain without the help of chemical and surgery. MedWell Spine, OsteoArthritis & Neuropathy Center helps in promoting a healthy and pain free living by targeting the root cause of your suffering and providing the perfect non-invasive treatment!
Services: Chiropractor, Pain relief, Pain Management, Orthopedic, Hormone therapy, Natural testosterone, Knee Pain, Neuropathy, Back Pain, Sciatica Recovery, Migraines, Neck Pain, Thyroid, Fibromyalgia, Guaranteed Posture Correction, Sleep and Energy Problem, Diabetes, Anti Aging.
Chief Products/Services - Our doctors and therapists evaluate each patient structurally, neurologically and metabolically. On site diagnostic studies are performed to define, design and formulate proper diagnosis and a treatment plan. Treatment includes one on one hands on physical therapy, supervised exercise, nutrition counseling and specific modalities for fast pain relief and recovery from many chronic conditions.
Mission - Helping people to live pain free and happy with a non-surgical, non-chemical, non-invasive treatment approach that saves lives. We provide skilled, compassionate and outstanding care in a first class environment, utilizing cutting edge, state-of-the-art technology.
Specialties: Non-Surgical Orthopedic Treatment of Spine, Knee and Leg Pain.
We have a team of MDs, DCs and PTs working together for effective metabolic & neurological treatment of chronic conditions.
Awards & Other Citations: Dr. maz is named as one of the Top Chiropractors by Consumer Research Council of America. He is in the Who’s Who registry with various national organizations including Neuropathy Treatment Center of America.
Professional Associations: Neuropathy Treatment Center of America
Payment Options: We accept most insurance plans including Medicare