When you need a tow truck service in Jersey City, NJ we offer 24 hour towing for emergency and non-emergency roadside assistance. Call Us: (201) 355-5800 for a tow truck estimate. We will send a tow truck to remove your vehicle safely from the roadway. If you have been involved in an accident, turn on your hazard lights and do not exit your vehicle on a busy intersection or roadway.
Never get out of your vehicle until you are able to get the vehicle out of the flow of traffic. In the case of a tire blowout, get the vehicle to a safe spot on the side of the road before attempting to exit your vehicle even if you must drive on the flat tire.
Personal safety comes first and standing outside of your vehicle to repair a tire on a busy roadway could be hazardous or fatal. Do not do it until you have moved your car to safety. If you are unable to move your vehicle, stay in the car and use your cell phone to summon our tow truck service in Jersey City, New Jersey Call: (201) 355-5800.