In a Pinch is a leading childcare service in NJ providing complete solution for all kinds of childcare requirements. With more than 26 years of childcare service, we are a reliable service with hundreds of qualified and experienced caregivers registered with us. Our in-house childcare services includes babysitting, sick and emergency childcare, Temporary childcare, Physical and emotional special needs, New baby care, Overnight and vacation situations and much more. We can accommodate a wide range of childcare needs whether you need a babysitter for few hours or days or for vacations care. Our care givers come from a varied background and are prescreened, interviewed, photographed, finger printed to provide a safe and reliable childcare experience. Our caregivers are highly flexible and can work or any required time. Our emergency childcare service ensures you are provided with a care giver in no time – in a pinch. Our services are highly affordable making it available to everyone.