We use the comprehensive approach to our dental treatment. Our main goal is to keep you happy, and our patient for life. Dr. Arthur Greyf will discuss your near term and long term treatment goals and suggest what is right for you. We will estimate your expenses going forward and guide you on what steps to take on improving your long term prognosis.
We truly understand the meaning of a busy schedule, and that is why we provide such flexible hours. We offer early morning, late night, and Saturday appointments to accommodate you.
Located in the back of the office is free parking for all patients. You are more than welcome to utilize our dedicated spots at your convenience during your visit with us.
We will do everything possible to make your dental treatment affordable. Our front desk staff will thoroughly go over your treatment plan with you and will make sure you don’t have any further questions. You will receive a written explanation of all costs involved in your treatment, including insurance and any out of pocket costs if applicable. We will subtract any expected insurance benefits from your out of pocket costs, and we will advise you on steps you can take to maximize your insurance benefits.