It’s not like you aren’t trying to take care of your bills and other obligations. But it seems like for many who live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, the City of Brotherly Love there just isn’t enough money to go around. A tough economy including a soft job market and the rising cost of necessities combine to create a real challenge for residents of Philly.
As much as you would rather not, considering bankruptcy may be a smart move for those who see no end in sight to their financial woes. After all, the whole country is in the midst of a seriously slow job growth period, along with a horrible housing slump and ridiculous gas prices. It’s little wonder that so many hard working people are having a hard time. If you wonder if bankruptcy is right for you, here are a few things to consider.
You remember those bill collectors we just discussed? Imagine a world in which they aren’t allowed to call you anymore. It does exist and it is called bankruptcy. Part of the laws that govern bankruptcy state that companies may not harass you after a decision has been reached in court.
Most people have one purchase that means the most and that is their home. Under bankruptcy, one benefit is a stay on a foreclosure. In other words, even if the process has already been started, bankruptcy can stop the mortgage company or bank from taking your home.
You don’t have to face filing and going through a bankruptcy alone. Legal Helpers is there to assist you every step of the way. While filing bankruptcy can be a wonderful avenue for starting over again, it can also be rather nerve wracking. Working with Legal Helpers will make things easier.
Let the system work for you for once. Bankruptcy can give you your peace of mind and financial freedom back if you are willing to work with it. Start today with a free financial evaluation. Learn about your legal options.
At the Law Office of Travis J. Richards we understand that filing bankruptcy is never an easy decision. Our goal is educate our client and help them make the best decision possible.