McAuley School is a private, non-profit day program for students with multiple disabilities. McAuley School offers a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach to teaching students ages 5 to 21 years with a strong focus on the entire family.
The goal of McAuley School is to assist the cognitively impaired person become as independent and productive as possible; thereby gaining acceptance as an equal and contributing member of society. More information >
Donor and Sponsor Information
At McAuley, we continually look for better and more efficient ways to provide our students with the best education, social development and physical care.
Currently, we are conducting a capital campaign and meeting with the McAuley community to ask for financial support for this project. Contributions from current and former parents, board members, foundations, businesses and friends have been extremely generous. More information >
News & Events
In celebration of Kohl's Cares 10th anniversary, we're donating $500,000 to 20 schools each for a total of $10 million. Visit the website on Facebook, to help
More information >
With the Montessori method, children have the freedom to think for themselves. Instead of reinforced learning of facts, they can discover what works the best for them, not what a teacher dictates.
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