Power Bracelet Declared a Scam: The UWL conducted an in-depth study on the effectiveness of the so-called miracle “Power Band”. We’ll it appears to have no more effect on power and balance than a $0.30 rubber wrist bracelet. This was demonstrated on ESPN. There are several other links exposing this scam: http://nathan-lee.com/blog/2010/07/18/fake-powerband-scam-power-balance-is-snake-oil-in-bracelet-form/, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100825194717AAIP8iP, http://www.amazon.com/Power-Balance-Bracelet-Black-letters/dp/B002KHN6VG. [...]
Iron Horse Fighters Prepare for Battle!
Mike Massenzio’s Team Iron Horse in Competition: We are very excited to have our fighters on three cards in the upcoming month. Our team has been training very diligently. Honing their grappling skills in the American Eagle BJJ classes, working their MMA techniques in the Fight Team Class and training hard in the team strength [...]
Introductory Specials
American Eagle Mixed Martial Arts- AEMAA Specials Introductory Special: Free Martial Arts Class & 1 Free month! (New Students Only) Classes in: Children’s Tae Kwon Do & Kidjitsu, Adult & Teen Mixed Martial Arts, Self Defense & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Introductory S.W.A.T. Kettlebell Based [...]
S.A.V.E. Ultimate Self Defense Workout Videos
Questions: Are you embarrassed to start the Martial Arts because you do not know any moves or you are not in shape? Is there a lack of schools in your area that appeal to you? Are you afraid of being attacked? Answer: Defensive Tactics & Fitness Professional Phil Ross S.A.V.E. Self Defense Workout Video [...]
Kettlebell Training
Russian Kettlebells What is a Kettlebell and why use it? The kettlebell or girya is a traditional Russian cast-iron weight looking somewhat like a cannonball with a handle. The kettle bell has become a popular exercise tool due largely to the efforts of strength and flexibility coach Pavel Tsatsouline and also by World Champion and [...]
Phil Ross’ Advanced Russian Kettlebell DVD on sale now!
Advanced Russian Kettlebell with Phil Ross An incredible value for $19.99 plus s/h. Purchase here: http://philross.com/new/products
Phil Ross Instructs the Instructors
October 8th through the 11th, United Sports Training Center, Downington, PA: The RKC conducted its first ever East Coast Civilian Certification. There were over 90 participants from all over the county and world. Gireviks, as kettlebell lifters are referred to as in Russia, came from as far away as Italy, Ireland and Korea to [...]
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