If you suffer from back and neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain and stiffness, numbness in hands or feet and are in need of pain relief, then Dr's Choice can help. Dr's Choice recognizes the need for a team approach to healthcare.
We combine a Doctor of Internal Medicine with Chiropractic Doctors and New Jersey Physical Therapists to help determine the nature of your ailment and provide the proper treatment.
It is easy to see that each approach has a beneficial effect on health. When the disciplines are combined, the effect is synergistic. Serving most of Central New Jersey, Drs. Choice receives patients from Monmouth and Middlesex, and of course Union County. Dr's Choice is the right choice for Chiropractic, Physical Therapy and Internal medicine.
Our practice combines conventional as well as alternative medical approaches. Drs Choice New Jersey Chiropractic has been serving Union, Monmouth and Middlesex counties for the past twenty years. It was founded by Dr. Mark C. Zientek, DC, in 1984. Our Medical Director is Dr. Fauzia Hameed, M.D. a female physician, Board Certified in Internal Medicine. The Chiropractic Director is Dr. Mark C. Zientek DC, licensed by the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners and having received his board certification by the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians.
Completing the chiropractic department is Dr. Latanya Shariff Bakari, DC, a female chiropractor who also has received her Masters in Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport. Catherine Anne Dizon, Physical Therapist, licensed by the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy, heads the Physical Therapy Department. We are proud to offer the diagnosis and treatment of pain and disease, which fully utilizes a natural, doctor-supervised approach at our Monmouth New Jersey Chiropractic, internal medicine and New Jersey physical therapy center. We combine conventional medical technologies with proven natural approaches to healing. Middlesex, Monmouth and Union County's Dr's Choice gives patients a unique advantage in their quest to improve their health and be pain free.
New Jersey Martial Arts aka NJMA was started in 2006 by world renowned Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Instructor and Mixed Martial Arts Coach “Professor” Marco Perazzo. NJMA has two locations convenient to both