The Finest Food is Cooked
in the Cleanest KitchensAdvanced Hood Cleaning makes your
kitchen hoods clean, safe and healthy.
At Advanced Hood Cleaning we realize that as a facility owner or manager your number one concern is putting out a quality product. Our first concern is keeping your investment safe and clean. One of the major causes of restaurant fires is improperly maintained kitchen exhaust systems.
Cleaning and regular maintenance of kitchen exhausts are mandated by the State of New Jersey and local fire codes. Properly maintained exhaust systems improve air quality, virtually eliminate the risk of dangerous fires and help keep your equipment working properly.
Our company is committed to a high standard of excellence that follows through all that we do, from our extensive in house training program and customer service to our adherence of our safety guidelines. Our attention to detail ensures that no deficiency or recommendation of service for your system will go unnoticed. We dont just want to clean your kitchen exhaust system, we want to secure and maintain lifelong, valued customers.