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St Marks Episcopal Church
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This Saturday the St. Mark's book group, "Reading Between The Lines," will continue reading Henri Nouwen's "The Return of the Prodigal Son: A
Address118 Chadwick Rd Teaneck, NJ 07666-4204
Phone(201) 836-7275


Our faith community is incredibly diverse in age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, geographic roots and religious background. We bring this diversity - all that we are and hope to become - to God's altar in this place.
We bring, too, our hopes and fears and doubts and wounds to Christ. We are believers and skeptics at the same time. Here we seek to pray and encounter the living God. Together we make up the Body of Christ, reaching out in Christ's love and work.
We struggle with our faith, our world, and even each other. Most of all, we are ALIVE in Christ here - not perfect, but definitely alive - and committed to our journey together. You are welcome to be a part of this community.
To learn more about St. Mark's, explore this site, contact us by email, or - best of all - come visit.
We look forward to greeting you!

St. Mark's is accessible to the disabled for both worship and ministry. Use the entrance on Chadwick Road.

Parking is available in Holy Name's physicians' lot Sundays and Holidays. Follow the red parking signs to the driveway just south of the church on Grange Rd.

Our Choir has begun rehearsing and will continue every Thursday at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome, always! We hope to bring hope, comfort, encouragement and spiritual strength through our music. We pray through music and we worship God through music. Praise His Holy Name!

Our Music Director, Eugene Sirotkine, is also inviting all parents of children in K-8 to contact him about children's participation in the CHORISTERS. Chorister rehearsals are held each Thursday from 4:15 to 4:45 pm. Please contact Eugene at 917-359-5906 or email

St. Mark's Saturday Book Group, "Reading Between The Lines," is Starting a New Selection: Join Us!
Saturday, October 30, 8:30 - 9:30 am

This Saturday the St. Mark's book group, "Reading Between The Lines," will continue reading Henri Nouwen's "The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming," which hs been described as a spiritual adventure story. A chance encounter with a poster depicting a detail of Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son sets in motion a chain of events that enabled Nouwen to redefine and claim his vocation late in life. Nouwen's absorption in the story (and the painting) is so complete that the father's challenge to love the son, and the son's challenge to receive that love, become Nouwen's own. Here he shares the deeply personal meditation that led him to discover the place within where God has chosen to dwell. Join us in reading the book and sharing your thoughts about it. Just come Saturday, ro speak with Kay Achar or Tom Crotty to find out more about the group. All are welcome, so please join us!

Our Math Adventures and Word Play tutoring program continues each Saturday at 10:30 am. If you would like more information about the program or would like to help out as a volunteer, please speak with Ardie Walser.

Pirates and Witches and Goblins, Oh My! It's the Annual Children's Halloween Party!
Saturday, October 30, 2:00 - 4:00 pm

It's time to get those costumes ready for St. Mark's Annual Children's Halloween Party! The festivities will take place in Carroll Hall on Saturday, October 30, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. There will be new crafts and games, as well as the traditional Halloween Parade around Carroll Hall. Six prizes will be awarded: Scariest Costume (Girl and Boy), Funniest Costume (Girl and Boy), and Most Original Costume (Girl and Boy). St. Mark's will provide hot dogs and a bag of treats for every Trick or Treater. As in the past, we are asking for donations of cupcakes, cookies and juice. Remember, all children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Don't miss it? It's going to be a frightfully good time!

St. Mark's Music Concert Series Continues Saturday, November 6th, at 7:00 pm
Saturday, November 6th, 7:00 pm

St. Mark's is excited to announce the second concert of our 2010-2011 Music Concert Series. This event will be held on Saturday, November 6th, at 7:00 pm and feature tenor Viktor Antipenko, currently a resident artist at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia, accompanied on piano by St. Mark's own Music Director Eugene Sirotkine. The program will feature a selection of Russian, German and Italian arias and songs. A freewill donation is asked to benefit parish outreach efforts and other charitable organizations. The full concert schedule is available online. Please join us!

Coffee and donuts available from 8:30 am, with work beginning at 9:00 am. There are things to do for any age or activity level, indoors and outdoors. Come when you can and stay as long as your schedule allows. Not only is this an enjoyable day, it is important for all of us as we care for what God has given us. Our building and grounds will be in good shape for Advent and Christmas.

The WIC Play Group Team needs additional volunteers. We supervise an informal play group for young children (ages 1 - 6) in the child care room when WIC clients are served at St. Mark's. WIC operates from 9:00 am-2:30 pm the first three Mondays of every month. Play Group volunteers usually provide 2-3 hours between 9:00 am and Noon (the busiest time) once a month. WIC parents and caregivers are most appreciative and generally help out a lot. A Read Now volunteer also comes in to read to the children regularly. If you would like to be a part of this ministry or know someone who might, please call Jeanette Adams at 201-836-5078.

With the new program year now upon us, the Green Team would like to remind you of St. Mark's commitment to year-round recycling. The team is seeking volunteers to help develop a rotating crew for the pick-up and drop-off of church recycling each week. In order to be a part of this crew or for more information, please contact Elizabeth Hooper directly or email her at hoopers at verizon dot net. The Green Team is also happy to report that parishioners and guests have been more conscious of depositing rinsed cans and bottles in the round blue recycling bin and trash in the garbage cans. Thanks to all as it makes our weekly program work so much more efficiently. We appreciate all of your great efforts.

St. Mark's is seeking our next Rector and Priest. We invite those interested in the position to view our Parish Profile (in PDF format). Please send your application/resume to Thank you!.

Prayer Chain Requests - If you would like to make a request to the prayer chain, please contact Sheri Urinyi. Both intercessions (prayers of need or hope) and thanksgivings are appropriate. All prayer requests are confidential.

Branches and additional offices:
(732) 787-1075 Carr Avenue And Kennedy Way Keansburg, NJ 07734-
(908) 766-0510 140 S Finley Ave Basking Ridge, NJ 07920-1428
(908) 754-9483 1430 Park Ave Plainfield, NJ 07060-2911
(973) 543-4471 11 E Main St Mendham, NJ 07945-1501

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