Welcome to Hope's Web Site! We hope that the key information will assist our new visitors and faithful members. Our goal is to connect you to our Hope family, and learn more about our church, and most of all, about our Savior Jesus Christ as we continue to build upon our web site.
Please refer to our Church Services section to the left for the schedule of our Worship Services. Also, we have several fun & exciting Events coming up, so please visit our Calendar section for more information.
Hope Lutheran Church is now on Facebook!
Click the logo to the left to go directly to our group page.
Why the Hope ANCHOR Cross?
The most common and frequently asked question at Hope is
"Why is our cross in the shape of an Anchor?" The anchor cross is the ancient Christian symbol for Hope. Our Vision Statement reads as follows:
Anchored in Christ, Growing in Faith, Love and Service!
The Hope Anchor Cross is based on Hebrews 6:19, "We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul..." Even the shape of our building gives special meaning. It is in the shape of Noah's Ark. When life is chaotic and stormy, Jesus holds us secure. Our Hope family gathers to worship saved by the water of Baptism, a God who keeps covenant with us.