Land Development Engineering, Land Planning & Surveying
Commercial, industrial and residential land development requires an awareness of local, county,
state and federal regulations. Evers Associates ability to plan and engineer land development in
a highly regulated environment is based on a knowledge of these constraints.
Our firm is able to provide land development services from initial surveying through design and final
permitting of the project throughout New Jersey. Evers Associates growth is based on a highly trained
and dedicated staff to provide the expertise necessary for a successful project.
Land Surveying Services Engineering Services
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Corporate InformationEvers Associates was founded in June, 1986, as a land surveying company. Growth, and client
demands for a full service land development company, required a change in company structure.
In August, 1988, Evers Associates was incorporated as Evers & Company, Inc., and partners
were added to form an engineering section. In March, 1991, the Company name was changed
to Evers Associates, Inc., our original firm name.
We continue to offer professional land surveying and engineering services to a growing list of
clients. Technological changes has enabled our company to compete efficiently. Emailed AutoCAD
drawing files reach our client's offices throughout North America in a matter of minutes not days.
As a result, our scope of services has increased. Evers Associates provides consulting land
surveying, and site plan engineering services, for properties in New Jersey, to some of the largest
environmental engineering companies in North America.
The company is a New Jersey corporation, with offices in the Mount Holly-Mount Laurel area.
Land Surveying Services
From an individual residential lot survey to a 700 acre parcel of land, Evers Associates
endeavors to provide the land surveying services necessary bring your project in on time.
Our land surveying section provides: Topographic Surveying
Construction Lay Out
Outbound Surveying and Location Work
Control Surveying for Aerial Topography
Title (Mortgage) Surveying
Monitoring Well Elevations and Locations