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Consumer Credit Counseling
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The Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central New Jersey offers low-cost credit and debt counseling in person or by telephone. Se Habla Espanol.
Address1931 Nottingham Way Hamilton, NJ 08619-3554
Phone(609) 586-2574
Fill out an application and send it to us or bring it with you to one of the following locations.
Affiliated with the National Foundation for Consumer Credit. Learn more about

For any problems with this website, please contact the webmaster.

Call for a Consultation or more information:
Toll free 1-888-379-0604 or 609-586-2574 Se Habla Español - 1-888-379-0604, ext. 16

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evening meetings available by appointment

History The National Foundation for Consumer Credit (NFCC) opened the first Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) in 1951. The NFCC acts as an umbrella to the more than 1,440 CCCS offices located across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. The NFCC serves the independent agencies with specialized and professional training as well as a certification program for counselors. Each independent CCCS office has a board of directors. The input of these community leaders representing the medical, religious, retail, law, education and financial fields provides a diverse balance for the agencies. Furthermore, the New Jersey Department of Banking has expressed their approval through licensing each of our offices.

Circumstances such as divorce, illness, emergencies or overspending can steer you into unfriendly financial territory. All of a sudden, you're deep in debt with no clear way out. Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central New Jersey can help. CCCS offers low-cost credit and debt counseling services in person or by telephone. Our counselors find individualized solutions for difficult problems. We work with you and your creditors to reduce interest and finance charges, set up one convenient monthly payment, reduce collection calls and create a sound plan to get you out of debt. Through CCCS, your creditors get paid and you get peace of mind.

Millions of Americans have contacted NFCC members for help turning their financial lives around. Finding the right path starts with one phone call. Before you make another financial move, take a step in the right direction. Call Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central New Jersey, toll free at 1-888-379-0604

Licensing All offices are licensed by the New Jersey Department of Banking. CCCS receives financial support from various sources. Merchants, financial institutions and organizations of the community have pledged their support of our efforts. Our relationship with creditors provides a positive alternative to other collection methods. These sources, in addition to the nominal counseling fee, serve as the main resources for Consumer Credit Counseling agencies.


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