Debra Roelke, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist practicing in Morristown, New Jersey. She is also a Mental Health Consultant for Newark Preschool Council, Inc. - Full Year Head Start. Dr. Roelke has a broad range of experience in working with both adults and children on many different kinds of psychological issues.
Dr. Roelke's practice consists of three different areas:
Individual psychotherapy and consultation with adults;
Individual play therapy or psychotherapy and family consultation with children;
Mental health consultation, staff training and parent education in preschool settings.
Please use the navigation bar on the left to find more information about Dr. Roelke's practice philosophy and the type of work she does, her background of education and training, fee and appointment information and directions to the office.
We are a law firm which focuses its entire practice on New Jersey Family Law. Our experienced staff is committed to a client-focused approach and we take our responsibilities to you very seriously.