The advisors and staff of Parsons Capital Management, LLC welcome you to our web site.
We hope this site will be useful to you, either as an existing client or a prospective client, in answering your questions about (1) our firm, (2) what we do for our clients, and (3) how we operate. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of our services, please feel free to contact us via e-mail through the “E-mail Us” link on the left or by phone at 1-888-258-4345 or 908-730-0011.
This site also provides our clients with assistance in performing investment research, such as obtaining stock quotes, tracking personal portfolios in a secure way, and following popular market indexes and trends. Please explore our site by clicking on the links in the gold area at the left.
Additionally, Parsons Capital Management, LLC offers securities through Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments, Inc. 18 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Albany, NY 12211 (Member FINRA and SIPC)