Green House Preschool and Kindergarten, Inc., is committed to enriching the lives of young children while expanding their minds. It is the school's mission to develop the "whole child" - one who, in mind and body, flourishes through positive experience around him/herself as provided by a staff of trained and nurturing caretakers.
Our philosophy for the education of young children is one that takes into account the child's individuality. Our goal is simple: to instill in each child a love for learning as well as for themselves. We provide a safe, loving and creative environment in which they can express themselves and learn through their play experience. Our faculty works hard to make sure that each child is able to grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually without pressure or frustration.
You can choose an early childhood program for your child that is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC administers the largest and most widely recognized accreditation system for all types of early childhood schools and child caregivers. NAEYC is the nation's best organization of early childhood educators (