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A New Jersey Vein Expert Answer Your Questions with a "Layperson's Guide to Varicose Veins"
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Are you searching for Vein Treatment Center in Nj? Chuback Medical Group & Vein Expert provides advanced treatment for Vein Disease.

An important part of our job as varicose vein removal experts in New Jersey is to provide ongoing patient education about varicose veins, spider veins, and other forms of vein disease. In the articles we write for this website, we try our best to use clear, easy-to-understand language, but occasionally we get requests from patients to make things even shorter and simpler. OK…you asked for it.

Chuback Medical Group's Handy Layperson's Guide to Varicose Veins

·         Let's start at the beginning…what exactly are varicose veins? They are blood vessels that have become "leaky" as the result of vein disease or damage. They are swollen and enlarged because their leaky valves allow blood to flow back into the veins instead of being sent to the heart.

·         Why is it that I can see varicose veins, but not my other veins? You can see varicose veins because they are close to the surface of the skin.

·         My legs feel weak and tired all the time…is this caused by varicose veins? In all likelihood, yes. The weakness and tiredness happens because you have impaired circulation, which is preventing your legs from getting the oxygen and nutrients they need. If you ignore this and fail to seek vein disease treatment in New Jersey, the weakness will only get worse.

·         Is there any way to reduce the swelling and weakness? If your varicose veins are not causing other problems, you can sometimes control them through conservative treatment – diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and wearing compression stockings to improve your circulation.

·         What if this doesn't work…what then? If conservative treatment doesn't work to fully control your symptoms (or you want to get rid of the swollen veins for cosmetic reasons), your New Jersey vein treatment center can remove varicose veins permanently using painless, minimally-invasive procedures that can be done in the comfort of our offices.

·         Can varicose veins be "fixed," without removing them? Unfortunately, no. They can't be repaired either with drugs or surgery because the disease has damaged the vein valves permanently. The only way to "fix" these damaged veins permanently is to remove them and allow healthier veins to take over.

·         Once the swollen veins are removed, will there be scarring? No. Modern vein treatment requires no deep incisions or stitches. Afterwards, the treated veins collapse and are absorbed into surrounding muscle tissue, and within a few weeks you won't be see any trace of them.

This all sounds good. So what's my next step if I want to learn more?

Simple – pick up your telephone and call our New Jersey vein expert at 201-693-4847, and arrange for an initial consultation and screening, during which we will assess your vein health and recommend the most appropriate treatments.

Author Bio: A noted NJ Vein Expert and Vein Treatment Center In Nj saves you time by answering your questions about vein disease in the form of a "Layperson's Guide to Varicose Veins."
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Are you searching for Vein Treatment Center in Nj? Chuback Medical Group's Vein Expert provides advanced treatment for Vein Disease.